I was fairly interested in making interesting low end warships ca. 10 years back. All these horribly beweaponed behemoths probably never featured much in anyones games. If Suffren or Bismarck turns up your players aren't outfighting it. The low end seemed to offer more interesting possibilities. I was also playing with Attack Vector at the time, and it shows. Must get back to AV....
--- Original Post at http://games.groups.yahoo.com/group/etranger/message/7960 ---
Admiral Brown V class “fighter”*
The Adm Brown class has been through numerous changes. Indeed its century of service see the Browns being essentially a completely different ship, certainly the current Mk V is so radically different that refitting older ships to it is impossible to refit them to the current standard. Despite this, some older models do continue in Argentine service due to lack of resources to replace them.
The Adm Brown is typical of Argentina’s model of a spaceforce, which draws heavily upon submarine service and airforce traditions. This medium sized vessel is fairly fast, and carries heavy hull weapons, and a large missile complement (sing the extremely small drive EM-5 series missiles which use minimal amounts of tantalum). As usual for Argentina, the weapons systems stress a small number of high damage pulses, and indeed, in combat Brazilian starships often find their armour offers them no effective protection.
Indeed, the main Brazilian response to Argentine tactics of massing fair large “wolf packs” of smaller
but deadly vessels has been to disperse their combat power even more. Starfighters have become more
important in the Brazilian orbat.
Argentina is excellent at concealing ship numbers and locations. Given their strategic disadvantages, they
have acquitted themselves extremely well.
Warp Efficiency: 3.17 (unloaded sprint speed), combat speed is still move =6
Mass: 1,950 tons
Life Support: 40 personnel, Comfort: 0,
Price: ~MLv47 for a new build of the current model
Ship Status Sheet
Movement: 6 Radial Reflected: 5 Radial Profile: -2
Screens: 0 Lateral Reflected: 6 Lateral Profile: 0
Radiated signature: 2(5) Targeting Computers: +2
Armour: 4
Bridge: Captain, Helm, Navigator, 2 x Communications, 2x Computer.
TAC: Active Sensors, Passive Sensors, 2 x Fire
Control, 2 x Remote Operators
Hull Hits: 24/12/6
Power Plant Hits: 20/4
Damage Control: 7 (3 teams)
2 x1+1 towers (12345, 15678)
1 x4-2 PBWS (nose mount, 1)
2 submunitions launchers (4 shots, 2x5 warhead)
2 EM-5 series missile packs with 8 missiles and 2
datalinks (current EM-5F is move 7, 2x5 warhead)
* current Argentine nomenclature for combat starships
labels these 5000 m3 offensive warships as
** Shameless ripoff of a good AVT idea.
Notice that the Adm. Brown refits in SC have missiles (and a Remote operator), but no communicator listed?