Wednesday, 31 December 2014

Solar Power Starships

GDW missed something very important with respect to solar power; it produces electricity. An odd statement to be sure, but all the solar arrays in SotFA etc. are stated to be there for fuel cracking. Well, why not use it directly?

Even correcting for GDW being out an order of magnitude for the power gained from an array (100 sq m should produce 0.2 MW in the life zone, not 2 MW) a deployed solar array is an incredible thing. It gives the starship unlimited power (in duration). Thus any non-nuclear starship insystem can turn off the fuel consuming MHD turbine and "sail".

This means starships operating insystem have effectively infinite range. A transport running from 16 Psyche to Earth and back might occasionally run the turbine briefly to keep it working, but it would rarely need it. This also has some military ramifications. Once insystem a warship (be it a fighter, corvette or cruiser) can deploy a solar array and "sail" around the system forever, only pulling in the sails and warming up the turbines when a threat is detected.

On another point, for interstellar crossings there is no need to go full speed. Remembering that doubling speed increases fuel consumption eightfold, if you go half as fast you'll use a quarter of the fuel for the same interstellar journey. A vessel like the Aconit could cruise on 2 MW (i.e. full engines, weapons powered down) for 7 weeks, or at 1 MW for 14 weeks, or even 0.5 MW for 28 weeks. Even at 0.5 MW warp efficiency is still 63% that of 2 MW, and speeds of greater than 1 ly/day are typically if not fully loaded.

Food for thought.

Tuesday, 30 December 2014

French Bufer class Fighter

French Bufer class Fighter

Original Date of Design: August 3, 2289
First Example Laid Down: October 12, 2291
First Example Completed: December 3, 2293
Fleets of Service: France
Number in Service:12 (Bufer, Barineau, Giraud, Hasbrouck, Ducat, Dodier, Morace, Nugent, Pepin, Rosier, Senesac and Segur - named after previous fighter captains)

The Bufer is the a French fighter design which uses carried ordnance as its only offensive weapons. Originally the design called for four magnetically harnessed LL-2 submunitions launchers, then the most common submunition in the French arsenal. Now, however, most Bufers have been refitted to accept the updated LL-5 (Type 2285 or Big Clip), LL-7 (Type-2286) or LL-8 (Type 2290) designs which boast more powerful warheads.

In order to carry several launchers, the Bufer design had to be somewhat on the large side. The ship itself is 20 meters from nose to tail and has a wingspan of just over 15 meters on a 8m diameter hull. The four launchers are carried magnetically on the underside of the wings and the launchers can be dropped. The weapons are limited all controlled by one fire control system and may all fire in a single turn.

The hull is streamlined and is composed of advanced composites. Sufficient material has been added to the hull to give it noticeable armor resistance. Masking the hull has made the ship virtually invisible to enemy passive detection, and the design is not so large that the ship suffers from having too great a profile.

Bufers are currently deployed sparingly along the French Arm. Their numbers are rumored to be somewhat low, but actual figures have never been released by the French government. To date there
have been no Bufers sold to any other nation.

It lacks a solar array and medic, and thus is not suitable for extended cruising. Deployments are mainly to carriers in the strike role.

Crew: Commander and XO, nav and 2nd, helm and 2nd, comm and 2nd, comp and 2nd, passive operator, gunner, and 6 engineers.

Streamlining: as spaceplane, external droptanks used for lift


Warp efficiency: 3.75-3.98 on full military power (depending on fuel)
Power Plant: 10 MW MHD Turbine
Turbine Fuel: 96 tons (16 hours at full military power)
Range: 7.7 ly
Mass: 497.8 tons unfueled and unloaded with ordnance
Cargo Capacity:minimal
Crew: 18
Passengers: nil
Comfort: -2
Total Life Support: 90 days
Cost: MLv 16.83

Ship Status Sheet
Move: 8
Screens: 0
Radiated Signature: 1(4) (down to -2 when powered down to 1 MW)
Radial Reflected: 4
Lateral Reflected: 5
Target Computer:0
Radial Profile: -2
Lateral Profile: -2
Armour: 5
Hull hits: 50/10
Power Plant Hits: 20/4
Active: nil
Passive: 6
Ordnance Load: 4 Submunitions Launchers of any type (usually Big Clip)
Sensors and Electronics: Navigation Radar and Passive-6
Crew Hits: Bridge (Commander, Helm, Navigator, Comms, Comp), TAC (passive operator and gunner)
Damage Control:8 (3 teams)

Mistral class Fighter

Notes on Fighters

The fighter here is roughly the equivalent of what in WW1 would be called a torpedo boat or destroyer. They are relatively short ranged ships, but true starships. This contrasts with the GDW fighter which are supposed to be one or two man "aircraft".

Here the fighter is the answer to the problem of delivering submunitions attacks. Tactically the fighter is deployed in squadrons of several vessels capable of making high speed attack runs against enemy ships and delivering a heavy load of submunitions. 

Fighters are typically based on planetary surfaces, space stations or carried by major ships.

Mistral class Fighter

Original Date of Design: August 3, 2280
First Example Laid Down: March 5, 2285
First Example Completed: March 23, 2286
Fleets of Service: France
Currently in Service: currently 28 Mistrals are in service (Mistral, Dixmunde, Tonnerre, Foudre, Siroco, Ouragan, Pluie, Zéphyr, Tourbillon, Tempête, Tornade, Éclair, Météore, Volcan, Téméraire, Audacieux, Superbe, Généreux, Fougueux, Impétueux, Tyrannicide, Intrepide, Opiniatre, Aventurier, Adroit, Gloire, Astrée, Concorde)

After several successful fighter designs, Mileaux and his team of architects were charged with the design of a fighter which took advantage of the latest space technology, especially
in the area of submunitions delivery. Two prototype designs were submitted which were turned down. The final design, however, met everyone's expectations and was dubbed the Mistral-IIIbis.

The Mistral-lllbis is the first French warship to be constructed solely from advanced composite materials. The streamlined design takes advantage of the greatest stealth technology. There is one
magnetic sling mounted atop the vessel which when not in use does not interfere with the ability of the fighter to make atmospheric landings or attacks. The magnetic sling mount is available to allow the Mistral-lllbis to carry a external fuel tank for interface operations. The thrusters will allow a single planetary approach with the missile in its slung position.

The four LL-7 submunitions dispensers—having proved themselves effective their mechanics have not been altered to fit onto the Mistral-IIIbis. The relatively large MHD plant installed provides sufficient power for the drives, sensors, and weapons to operate simultaneously. There is an internal solar array which may be deployed for insystem operations, generating 5 MW in the life zone.

Considering its advanced technology, the Mistral-IIIbis is a rather inexpensive design. French allies have requested copying the design for themselves, or outright purchase of fighters built by the
French, but have thus far been refused. Details of the design have never been released.

The Mistral-IIIbis has seen considerable action, both against German and Kafer ships on the French Arm. From the German perspective, the Mistral-lllbis has proven itself to be an effective warship capable of delivering significant punch. Of course, only the Kafers know what they think of this excellent French fighter.

Crew: Commander and XO, nav and 2nd, helm and 2nd, comm and 2nd, comp and 2nd, passive operator, gunner, 6 engineers and medic

Streamlining: as spaceplane, external droptanks used for lift


Warp efficiency: 3.97-4.47 on full military power (depending on fuel), 2.75-3.10 on solar in life zone, 1.61-1.81 cruising at 1 MW
Power Plant: 15 MW MHD Turbine and 5 MW folding solar array
Turbine Fuel: 216 tons (24 hours at full military power, 15 days at 1 MW)
Range: 7.7 ly
Mass: 510.8 tons unfueled and unloaded with ordnance
Cargo Capacity: 100 cubic meters
Crew: 19
Passengers: one
Comfort: -2
Total Life Support: 90 days
Cost: MLv 18.47

Ship Status Sheet
Move: 8-9
Screens: 0
Radiated Signature: 2(5) (down to -2 when powered down to 1 MW)
Radial Reflected: 3
Lateral Reflected: 4
Target Computer: +1
Radial Profile: -3
Lateral Profile: -1
Armour: 0
Hull hits: 10/2
Power Plant Hits: 30/6
Active: nil
Passive: 10
Ordnance Load: 4 Submunitions Launchers (2 shots each, 10x2 warhead)
Sensors and Electronics: Navigation Radar and Passive-10
Crew Hits: Bridge (Commander, Helm, Navigator, Comms, Comp), TAC (passive operator and gunner)
Damage Control:8 (3 teams)

Sunday, 12 October 2014

DNAM - A Few Thoughts


GDW 2300AD contained an example of mass genetic engineering to colonise the hellworld of King (named after Martin Luther King). The genetic vector is called a DNAM (DNA Modifier) and is a virus. It's mode of action is similar to most cancer causing viruses - it infects (transfects) multiplying cells, and the new cells grow much faster than the old ones and crowd out the unmodified tissue. When the cells it targets (lives in) have all been destroyed/ transformed it can no longer survive in the host and it dies off. Sounds like an oncovirus or HIV? Yes, because that's exactly what it is.

Getting Transformed

The task to be transfected. The task is simple (3+ on a d10 in 1st edition, 2+ in 2nd) with physical endurance (typically 2 or 3) as a penalty. Yes, around half of all those infected with a DNAM will actually reject the virus and fight it off. The task is also hazardous, meaning that on a failure you roll 3d6 and consult this table

3-6: rejected with no side effects
7-10: rejected with unpleasant side effects
11-14: Mishap (roll 2d6 on next table)
15-18: Serious mishap (roll 3d6 on next table)

2: Reroll on above table
3-6: serious, permanent medical complications
7-18: death

So, of those infected with DNAM, ca. 50% will be transformed, about 25% will reject the virus but without permanent injury and of the remaining 25%:

80% will roll 2d6 on the mishap table leading to roughly 50% dying
20% will roll 3d6 etc. = ca. 91% chance of dying

= just under 60% chance of dying, assume this for a round number, hence:

of the transfected 10% will be permanently crippled and 15% will die outright. Close to 1 in 6, there's a nasty little game of Russian Roulette.

Effects of Transformation

The effects of the virus are:

  • increases bone density (i.e. gives you Paget's Disease)
  • increased muscle mass
  • enlarged and strengthened heart
  • at expense of lung volume
  • probably disregulated vasculature
As a consequence the transformed human is unable to stop bleeding, and even a mild bruise can develop into a lethal internal hemorrhage. Their bones are effectively killing them slowly, and a painful arthritic old age (at 40!) awaits the lucky ones.


GDW 2300AD says the modified can breed. Maybe they can, assuming stable nth generation transformed parents.

However, 1st generation female transformed already have all their ova, and these are not transformed - females born as normals and then exposed to the virus still have normal human ova. Also, most males probably develop testicular cancer and have to have them removed.

Hence we have a problem, transformed humans born that way will be able to breed more transformed humans, but those you transform won't. This can be solved by having 1st generation females breed with untransformed males and them inject the DNAM virus into the uterus soon after conception. 1st generation males if they still have gonads have transformed gonads, and so will be incompatible with 1st generation females.

Once you have a 2nd generation, these can breed true to their new type. However, the uterus can't be carried to term on the surface of King, but the acceleration of a rocket (needs to hit 8 or even 9 g to escape King's might grip, and have a lot of reaction mass) will cause a miscarriage. Worse, the internal injuries inflicted by such forces will probably kill any transformed humans aboard.

The female would have to be impregnated in orbit on the "birth boat". Since the transformed have to have the child cut out via Cesarean, and the transformed have a super-pressured circulatory system then some (many?) mothers will be killed by the surgery. They will bleed profusely, and one assumes the incision must cauterised, or the mother will die.

These requirements suggest a society where the females of child bearing age are shuttled upto the birth boat and used effectively as breeding stock.

Population of King

The author of the Colonial Atlas for King made both the American and Australian settlements a single "light effort" which assumes 2,500 new immigrants a year, but also assumes no death. Since the transformed humans have only half the life-span (roughly) this must be doubled. Hence

360,000 new transformed children born every year
5,000 new transformed

To have 360,000 new transformed children every year, given birth length and a 18 month refractory period (standard recommendation for untransformed humans now after a C-section) there are 1.08 million breeding women in orbit, excusing wastage. This is roughly a quarter of the population, and hence essentially all females of breeding age.

Hence we have a society where when a women reaches maturity she is taken away and expected to pump out new miners, errr, children for much of her adult life, and is returned to the surface when too old to breed. That's quite unpleasant.

Monday, 20 January 2014

Missile Guidance and Sentinels

Talking here about missile guidance in 2300AD space combat.

To start with lets examine missiles in the real world. Early missiles were beam riders. They literally were told where to go by a radar beam. When this was the only method of guidance of course there was little point in anti-ship missiles, which is why they appeared much later than SAMs. Indeed early conceptions of a surface to surface missile were using the beam riding SAMs line of sight, preferably with a nuclear warhead ("special weapons", British Sea Slug and Sea Dart armed ships carried 10 "special weapons" each).

Anti-ship missiles in the 1960's were TV or ARM targeting, except if you bought Russian - they'd cracked the problem a decade before the west, your put a radar on the missile. The radars were fairly small and limited by the available power and extremely small dish size, so you only used it in the terminal phase of the attack and used inertial guidance and gave mid course updates (Active Radar Homing, ARH). The west copied the Russians and fielded their own weapons in the shape of Exocet (France), Sea Eagle (UK) and Harpoon (US).

Surface to air missiles simply couldn't fit the radar systems in them (until recently that is, the Anglo-French Aster and American SM-6 have their own radars). Hence modern missiles have Semi-active Radar Homing guidance systems. That is they don't beam ride, flying a preprogrammed (and updatable) course, but have no radar seeker of their own. They need the target illuminated by a targeting rader on the ship (or another ship). The illuminator need not be painting the target the for the whole of the SAMs flight, but it does need to be illuminated for a considerable period of time for the missile to acquire it and change energy state to intercept.

Modern surface ships usually have more than one illuminator, but not all illuminators can bear on all targets due to parts of the ship being in the way. The typical arrangement is two, one fore and one aft, giving the ability to engage two targets simultaneously to broadsides. Some examples are:

British T-42 DD: 2 illuminators, one fore, one aft (originally designed with 1, but the RN argued for a second doubling capability for a 4% increase in overall cost). T-82 had the same arrangement. The superbly designed T-43 had 4 illuminators for Sea Dart (2 fore, 2 aft) capable of engaging all 4 in broadsides, plus another 2 for Sea Wolf. If built she would have been the most capable air defence ship in the world, including US Aegis types.

US Ticonderoga has 4 illuminators, but due to their placement she can engage with 2 forward, 2 aft, or 3 broadsides. The Burke has 3, but due to better placement only drops one forward, and can still engage 3 targets in broadsides. The Japanese and Korean Burke copies have the same arrangement, but the Norwegian, Spanish and Australian Aegis ships only have two illuminators in the normal one fore, one aft configuration.

The French Cassard has 2 illuminators, both aft, and so can't engage targets directly forward. This is the same arrangement as the now retired Suffren and George Leyges. The modern mark of the Mascura has ARH, and so is independent of the illuminators (as is Aster on modern French ships and the T-45).

The Russian Slava has a single director for it main SAMs, located aft but well away from clutter, giving a fairly wide arc (Kara is the same but more cluttered). The reason for the single illuminator is that the main anti-ship missiles have their own illuminator forward. The Kirov is big enough to have a fore and aft illuminator for the SS-N-6, whilst the Udaloy's SS-N-9 have smaller illuminators allowing for the fore and aft arrangement, although the aft illuminator is much less cluttered than in a western ship.

Now, in 2300AD we never think of starship missile communicators/ directors, and indeed they are zero hull items. The targeting is just assumed to be done by TTA's. In fact a missile director is going to need to be a fairly substancial item, a fairly tight beam radar capable of illuminating a target upto a light minute away. What's more the things will have arcs.

Of course, some 2300AD missiles have sensors. Tosh. How the hell is a 30 sq meter passive array (which is already far too small) fit in a 0.7 sq. m missile nose? Sure, you could fit one, but the proviso would be 1/50th the range of shipboard sensor (range scales linearly to receiver area). Of course if they're reduced to range-0 sensors (the odd nature of the 2300AD sensor system) they're still useful when attacking larger signature targets (like Kafers), since they'd acquire 6 or 7 hexes from the target, and should be able to guide themselves in, but the kicker is none of the missiles in service have the processors to make sense of the data, these being multi-ton mass computers back on the starship.

Ultimately, a true Autonomous Kill Vehicle (hattip to Transhuman Space) could be built. However, the thing needs tons and tons of computational systems. A human fighter gets away with 4 tons of control equipment, and adding another 1 ton targeting computer gives us 5 tons. Adding this to a conventional 10 ton anti-ship missile still gives a useful turn of speed (about warp 6). However, not the problem, not enough hull for a sensor.

Invasion absolutely states that non-warping equivalents of these weapons exist (Sentinels), stating that all autonomous weapons suffer a -3 penalty to hit. Now this may be the true reason why AKVs don't exist, except of course it was good enough for a sentinel mine. An additional 5 or 10 million for a stutterwarp is less preposterous than blowing up a 5 million livre passive array with the det warhead.

A less preposterous sentinel might be a automated vehicle (warping or non-warping) controlling a constellation of weapons (submunitions, automated fixed weapons and even warp equipped missiles, it has the sensor range). Of course, this opens the door to AI warships, which may have been why GDW didn't dwell on the fact. The sentinel (and armed robot freighter in SotFA) have let this genie out of the bottle though. Go nuts.

Sunday, 19 January 2014

Space Battles of the Kafer Invasion

Space Battles of the Kafer Invasion

2nd Battle of Hochbaden
Date: 2nd-8th June 2301
Native: German Empire
Intruder: Kafer
Native Order of Battle:
DSKM Madgeburg (Sachsen class Missile Frigate)
6 Wespe class fighters
Intruder Order of Battle:
Kafer Task Force Zulu:
3 Delta class Battleships
4 Improved Alpha class Battleships
4 Alpha class Battleships
12 Epsilon class Battleships
42+ fighters
The Kafers enter the Hochbaden system 2nd June, discharge without detection by German Navy (although several civilian ships spot them), 4 Betas engage and destroy the German forces, with one Beta damaged in return. Kafers spend 4 days destroying the colony, 2 Alphas and 3 Epsilons are badly damaged in the process, and left as a garrison force.

3rd Battle of Hochbaden
Date: 16th-18th June 2301
Native: Kafer
Intruder: French Empire, German Empire, Russian Federation and United States of America
Native Order of Battle:
Kafer Task Force Hochbaden
2 Alpha class Battleships
1 Beta class Battlecruiser
3 Epsilon class Cruisers
- all damaged
Intruder Order of Battle:
IFS Tallayrand (Tallayrand class Battleship)
IFS Bassompierre (Suffren class Cruiser)
IFS Du Perre (Aconit class Frigate, 2x Ritage-2)
IFS Kersaint (Aconit class Frigate, 2x Ritage-2)
VK Konstantin (Konstantin class Cruiser, 15x Silka)
VK Kirovograd (Aconit class Frigate, 2x Silka)
VK Azov (Aconit class Frigate, 2x Silka)
DSKM Bismarck (Bismarck class Battlecruiser)
DSKM Hamburg (Hamburg class Missile Cruiser)
DSKM Sachsen (Sachsen class Missile Frigate)
DSKM Thuringen (Sachsen class Missile Frigate)
USS Thomas Jefferson (Kennedy class Missile Cruiser)
USS Spitfire (Eagle class Missile Frigate)
USS Temptress (Eagle class Missile Frigate)
The Terran forces enter the system 16th June, discharging at Sturmwelt, and are engaged by Kafer pickets. The French and American ships of the fleet launch a counterattack and are mauled, the flagship Tallayrand destroyed and the frigates Du Perre and Temptress are put out of commission. The Russian and German elements cover the Terrans retreat from the system.

1st Battle of Hesperus
Date: 22nd June 2301
Native: Commonwealth of Australia and French Auxiliaries
Intruder: Kafer
Native Order of Battle:
HMAS Bushranger (Destroyer)
HMAS Kangeroo (Destroyer)
3x Auxiliary Frigates
Intruder Order of Battle:
Improved Alpha class Battleship
The Australian Destroyer Division at Aurore was conducting a probe in the Arcturus system when the Kafers invaded. Detecting one of the incoming fleets, they ran back to Aurore to warn the combined fleet, but found them away at Hochbaden. The Australians conducted a holding action, supported by auxiliary forces, driving off a Kafer Battleship which arrived early.

1st Battle of Aurore
Date: 23rd June 2301
Native: French Empire, German Empire, Russian Federation, United States of America and Commonwealth of Australia
Intruder: Kafer
Native Order of Battle:
IFS Bassompierre (Suffren class Cruiser)
IFS Kersaint (Aconit class Frigate)
VK Konstantin (Konstantin class Cruiser)
VK Kirovograd (Aconit class Frigate)
VK Azov (Aconit class Frigate)
DSKM Bismarck (Bismarck class Battlecruiser)
DSKM Hamburg (Hamburg class Missile Cruiser)
DSKM Sachsen (Sachsen class Missile Frigate)
DSKM Thuringen (Sachsen class Missile Frigate)
USS Thomas Jefferson (Kennedy class Missile Cruiser)
USS Spitfire (Eagle class Missile Frigate)
HMAS Bushranger (Destroyer)
HMAS Kangeroo (Destroyer)
Intruder Order of Battle:
Kafer Task Force Yankee (part)
1 Delta class Battleship
1 Improved Alpha class Battleship
2 Alpha class Battleships
3 Beta class Battlecruisers
6 Epsilon class Cruisers
The combined fleet, now under the Russian Admiral Borodins command, fought off a new Kafer Task Group, forcing the Kafers to withdraw.

2nd Battle of Laodemon
Date: 29th June 2301
Native: French Empire, German Empire, Russian Federation, United States of America and Commonwealth of Australia
Intruder: Kafer
Native Order of Battle:
IFS Bassompierre (Suffren class Cruiser)
IFS Kersaint (Aconit class Frigate)
VK Konstantin (Konstantin class Cruiser)
VK Kirovograd (Aconit class Frigate)
VK Azov (Aconit class Frigate)
DSKM Bismarck (Bismarck class Battlecruiser)
DSKM Hamburg (Hamburg class Missile Cruiser)
DSKM Sachsen (Sachsen class Missile Frigate)
DSKM Thuringen (Sachsen class Missile Frigate)
USS Thomas Jefferson (Kennedy class Missile Cruiser)
USS Spitfire (Eagle class Missile Frigate)
HMAS Bushranger (Destroyer)
HMAS Kangeroo (Destroyer)
Intruder Order of Battle:
Kafer Task Force X-Ray
1 Delta class Battleship
1 Improved Alpha class Battleship
3 Beta class Battlecruisers
6 Epsilon class Cruisers
The next Kafer group to enter the system was TF X-Ray, the Kafer garrison/ reserve force. Borodin had laid an ambush, his ships laying in the rings of Laodemon (so not even black globes are visible), each with a missile salvo powered down in a killing area. The Cruiser IFS Bassompierre and Frigate Kersaint were the bait, leading the Kafers into the prepared killing area. The entire Kafer force was destroyed.

2nd Battle of Aurore
Date: 9th July 2301
Native: French Empire, German Empire, Russian Federation and United States of America
Intruder: Kafer
Native Order of Battle:
IFS Kersaint (Aconit class Frigate)
VK Kirovograd (Aconit class Frigate)
VK Azov (Aconit class Frigate)
DSKM Sachsen (Sachsen class Missile Frigate)
DSKM Thuringen (Sachsen class Missile Frigate)
USS Spitfire (Eagle class Missile Frigate)
Intruder Order of Battle:
Improved Alpha class Battleship
As soon as his ships were recovered from the ambush at Laodemon Borodin took his heavy ships and the Australians in an raid on Arcturus. Finding several Kafer merchants insystem, but failing to meet any major Kafer fleet units. Meanwhile a lone Kafer Improved Alpha entered the Aurore system, transiting to Hochbaden, and was engaged by the light forces left to defend the system, and withdrew, pursued by the USS Spitfire, which fought a separate action a few days later when the Kafer turned on her in the DM+18 2776 system, escaping back to Aurore.

Battle of Christmas Day (Arcturus System)
Date: 25th December 2301
Native: French Empire, German Empire, Russian Federation, United States of America and Commonwealth of Australia
Intruder: Kafer
Native Order of Battle:
IFS Bassompierre (Suffren class Cruiser)
VK Konstantin (Konstantin class Cruiser)
DSKM Bismarck (Bismarck class Battlecruiser)
DSKM Hamburg (Hamburg class Missile Cruiser)
USS Thomas Jefferson (Kennedy class Missile Cruiser)
HMAS Bushranger (Destroyer)
HMAS Kangeroo (Destroyer)
Intruder Order of Battle:
Kafer Task Force Victor
1 Delta class Battleship
3 Improved Alpha class Battleships
3 Beta class Battleships
6 Epsilon class Cruisers
As the the Kafers prepared a coordinated offensive against Aurore, Borodins heavy ships launched another raid at Arcturus, finally meeting fleet elements. IN the running battle, the Kafers lost a Beta and 3 Epsilons, before withdrawing.

1st Battle of Eta Bootis
Date: 12th January 2302
Native: French Empire, German Empire, Russian Federation, United States of America and Commonwealth of Australia
Intruder: Kafer
Native Order of Battle:
IFS Napoleon (Napoleon class Battleship)
IFS Bassompierre (Suffren class Cruiser)
IFS Dunkerque (Paris class Missile Destroyer)
IFS Lorraine (Paris class Missile Destroyer)
IFS Kersaint (Aconit class Frigate)
VK Konstantin (Konstantin class Cruiser)
VK Kirovograd (Aconit class Frigate)
VK Azov (Aconit class Frigate)
DSKM Bismarck (Bismarck class Battlecruiser)
DSKM Guderian (Bismarck class Battlecruiser)
DSKM Hamburg (Hamburg class Missile Cruiser)
DSKM Sachsen (Sachsen class Missile Frigate)
DSKM Thuringen (Sachsen class Missile Frigate)
DSKM Pommern (Sachsen class Missile Frigate)
DSKM Oldenburg (Sachsen class Missile Frigate)
USS Thomas Jefferson (Kennedy class Missile Cruiser)
USS Spitfire (Eagle class Missile Frigate)
HMAS Bushranger (Destroyer)
HMAS Kangeroo (Destroyer)
Intruder Order of Battle:
Kafer Task Force Victor
1 Delta class Battleship
3 Improved Alpha class Battleships
2 Beta class Battleships
3 Epsilon class Cruisers
Kafer command had planned a coordinated offensive, but "Smasher of Skull" left early to avenge itself for the Christmas Day raid. In a standup fight, the Kafers were defeated and withdrew, losing several ships. The Bismarck and the light ships were dispatched in pursuit.

The Battle of Rubis (2nd Battle of Eta Bootis)
Date: 13th January 2302
Native: French Empire, German Empire, Russian Federation, United States of America
Intruder: Kafer
Native Order of Battle:
IFS Napoleon (Napoleon class Battleship)
IFS Bassompierre (Suffren class Cruiser)
IFS Dunkerque (Paris class Missile Destroyer)
IFS Lorraine (Paris class Missile Destroyer)
VK Konstantin (Konstantin class Cruiser)
DSKM Guderian (Bismarck class Battlecruiser)
DSKM Hamburg (Hamburg class Missile Cruiser)
DSKM Pommern (Sachsen class Missile Frigate)
DSKM Oldenburg (Sachsen class Missile Frigate)
USS Thomas Jefferson (Kennedy class Missile Cruiser)
Intruder Order of Battle:
Kafer Task Force Yankee
2 Delta class Battleships
1 Improved Alpha class Battleship
5 Alpha class Battleships
5 Beta class Battleships
12 Epsilon class Cruisers
Caught with much of his force away, Borodin mounted an ambush in the vicinity of the star Rubis, hitting the flagship early and destroying it, the rest of the Kafer force withdrew intact.

3rd Battle of Tithonus (3rd Battle of Eta Bootis)
Date: 15th January 2302
Native: French Empire, German Empire, Russian Federation, United States of America
Intruder: Kafer
Native Order of Battle:
IFS Napoleon (Napoleon class Battleship)
IFS Bassompierre (Suffren class Cruiser)
IFS Dunkerque (Paris class Missile Destroyer)
IFS Lorraine (Paris class Missile Destroyer)
IFS Kersaint (Aconit class Frigate)
VK Konstantin (Konstantin class Cruiser)
VK Kirovograd (Aconit class Frigate)
VK Azov (Aconit class Frigate)
DSKM Bismarck (Bismarck class Battlecruiser)
DSKM Guderian (Bismarck class Battlecruiser)
DSKM Hamburg (Hamburg class Missile Cruiser)
DSKM Sachsen (Sachsen class Missile Frigate)
DSKM Thuringen (Sachsen class Missile Frigate)
DSKM Pommern (Sachsen class Missile Frigate)
DSKM Oldenburg (Sachsen class Missile Frigate)
USS Thomas Jefferson (Kennedy class Missile Cruiser)
USS Spitfire (Eagle class Missile Frigate)
HMAS Bushranger (Destroyer)
HMAS Kangeroo (Destroyer)
Intruder Order of Battle:
Kafer Task Force X-Ray
1 Delta class Battleships
1 Improved Alpha class Battleship
3 Beta class Battleships
6 Epsilon class Cruisers
The final Kafer fleet left late, and found Aurore unguarded, the Bismarck squadron returning from Pursuit, and the main fleet returning from Rubis. They achieved orbital superiority, bombed the surface installations, but were caught in close orbit and destroyed utterly.

1st Battle of Beta Comae Berenices
Date: 22nd-25th August 2301
Native: French Empire, German Empire and British Commonwealth
Intruder: Kafer
Native Order of Battle:
IFS Richeleiu (Richeleiu class Battleship)
IFS Marechel Suchet (Marechel class Destroyer)
IFS Marechel Ney (Marechel class Destroyer)
IFS Marechel Foch (Marechel class Destroyer)
IFS Austerlitz (Aconit class Frigate)
IFS Imperieuse (Aconit class Frigate)
IFS Tonnant (Aconit class Frigate)
IFS Castiglione (Aconit class Frigate)
DSKM Admiral Hipper (Hamburg class Missile Cruiser)
DSKM Seydlitz (Seydlitz class Missile Destroyer)
DSKM Lutzow (Seydlitz class Missile Destroyer)
DSKM Brandenburg (Sachsen class Missile Frigate)
DSKM Leipzig (Sachsen class Missile Frigate)
HMS Defiance (Invincible class Missile Destroyer)
HMS Indefatigable (Invincible class Missile Destroyer)
HMS Renown (Resolution class Missile Destroyer)
HMS Achates (Leander class Missile Frigate)
HMS Ulysses (Leander class Missile Frigate)
HMS Andomeda (Leander class Missile Frigate)
HMS Medea (Leander class Missile Frigate)
Intruder Order of Battle:
Kafer Task Force Yankee (elements)
2 Improved Alpha class Battleships
2 Beta class Battleships
4 Epsilon class Cruisers
The Terrans reacted to the invasion by concentrating fleet elements from Beta Canum Venticorum, Beta Comae Berenices and DM+36 2393, creating a formidable fleet. The Kafers entered the BCB system on the 21st August, and was first engaged on the 22nd. In a series of small actions, an Improved Alpha and an Epsilon were destroyed, and a Beta and Epsilon damaged and forced to flee.

2nd Battle of Beta Comae Berenices
Date: 8th-10th September 2301
Native: German Empire and British Commonwealth
Intruder: Kafer
Native Order of Battle:
DSKM Admiral Hipper (Hamburg class Missile Cruiser)
DSKM Seydlitz (Seydlitz class Missile Destroyer)
DSKM Lutzow (Seydlitz class Missile Destroyer)
HMS Defiance (Invincible class Missile Destroyer)
HMS Indefatigable (Invincible class Missile Destroyer)
HMS Achates (Leander class Missile Frigate)
HMS Ulysses (Leander class Missile Frigate)
Intruder Order of Battle:
Kafer Task Force Yankee (main body)
2 Delta class Battleships
1 Improved Alpha class Battleships
3 Alpha class Battleships
4 Beta class Battleships
7 Epsilon class Cruisers
The French decided to push on Aurore, while the main body of the Kafer fleet fell on the Anglo-German fleet. Kommodore Waldermann, the fleet commander massed the fleet against a Kafer Delta, damaging it, but the Kafers destroyed his flag, Admiral Hipper along with Seydlitz, Brandenburg, Leipzig and Defiance, the British flag. The survivors withdrew to the Grosshiddenfaden system.

1st Battle of Kimanjano
Date: 5th-18th December 2301
Native: German Empire and Japanese Commonwealth
Intruder: Kafer
Native Order of Battle:
DSKM Bayern (Bayern class Battleship)
DSKM Admiral Scheer (Hamburg class Missile Cruiser)
DSKM Hannover (Sachsen class Missile Frigate)
DSKM Kassel (Sachsen class Missile Frigate)
DSKM Holstein (Sachsen class Missile Frigate)
JSDF Agano (Suffren class Cruiser)
JSDF Terutsuki (Destroyer)
JSDF Hibiki (Destroyer)
JSDF Sendai (Aconit class Frigate)
JSDF Inadzuma (Aconit class Frigate)
JSDF Natsutsuki (Aconit class Frigate)
Intruder Order of Battle:
Kafer Task Force Yankee
2 Delta class Battleships
1 Improved Alpha class Battleships
3 Alpha class Battleships
5 Beta class Battleships
8 Epsilon class Cruisers
The Germans allowed the weaker Japanese to bear the brunt of the fighting, holding themselves back as a reserve. The Japanese found their position untenable, and withdrew, the Hibiki completely out of commission. The Kafers then fell on the Germans, who withdrew with the loss of the Hannover.

1st Battle of Beta Canum Venticorum
Date: 7th February 2302
Native: German Empire
Intruder: Kafer
Native Order of Battle:
DSKM Bayern (Bayern class Battleship)
DSKM Admiral Scheer (Hamburg class Missile Cruiser)
DSKM Kassel (Sachsen class Missile Frigate)
DSKM Holstein (Sachsen class Missile Frigate)
Intruder Order of Battle:
Kafer Task Force Yankee (elements)
3 Beta class Battlecruisers
The Kafers mount a recon in force, but only the battle scarred German squadron, fresh from their defeat at Kimanjano are left and withdraw with the loss of the Kassel. The Kafer mount an orbital bombardment and then withdraw.

2nd Battle of Beta Canum Venticorum
Date: 18th February 2302
Native: German Empire
Intruder: Kafer
Native Order of Battle:
DSKM Bayern (Bayern class Battleship)
DSKM Admiral Scheer (Hamburg class Missile Cruiser)
DSKM Holstein (Sachsen class Missile Frigate)
Intruder Order of Battle:
Kafer Task Force Yankee
2 Delta class Battleships
1 Improved Alpha class Battleships
3 Alpha class Battleships
5 Beta class Battleships
8 Epsilon class Cruisers
Totally outclassed, the Germans withdrew in good order, fighting a running battle and then left the system, returning to their base at Joi.

Battle of Grosshiddenfaden
Date: 3rd March 2302
Native: German Empire and British Commonwealth, later including French Empire
Intruder: Kafer
Native Order of Battle:
DSKM Graf Zeppelin (Fighter Carrier, with mixed Anglo-German fighter group)
DSKM Berlin (Hamburg class Missile Cruiser)
DSKM Leipizg (Seydlitz class Missile Destroyer)
DSKM Westfalen (Sachsen class Missile Frigate)
DSKM Mecklenburg (Sachsen class Missile Frigate)
HMS Revenge (Revenge class Cruiser)
HMS Indefatigable (Invincible class Missile Destroyer)
HMS Orion (Leander class Missile Frigate)
HMS Charybdis (Leander class Missile Frigate)
HMS Achates (Leander class Missile Frigate)
HMS Ulysses (Leander class Missile Frigate)
IFS Richeleiu (Richeleiu class Battleship)
IFS DeGaulle (DeGaulle class Battleship)
IFS Gloire (Improved Suffren class Cruiser)
IFS Tourville (Suffren class Cruiser)
IFS Colbert (Suffren class Cruiser)
IFS Foudroyant (Ypres class Cruiser)
IFS Marechel Suchet (Marechel class Destroyer)
IFS Marechel Ney (Marechel class Destroyer)
IFS Marechel Foch (Marechel class Destroyer)
IFS Austerlitz (Aconit class Frigate)
IFS Imperieuse (Aconit class Frigate)
IFS Tonnant (Aconit class Frigate)
IFS Castiglione (Aconit class Frigate)
HMS Renown (Resolution class Missile Destroyer)
HMS Camperdown (Resolution class Missile Destroyer)
HMS Andomeda (Leander class Missile Frigate)
HMS Medea (Leander class Missile Frigate)
HMAS Brisbane (Aconit class Frigate)
USS Ronald Reagan (Kennedy class Missile Cruiser)
Intruder Order of Battle:
Kafer Task Force Yankee
2 Delta class Battleships
1 Improved Alpha class Battleships
3 Alpha class Battleships
5 Beta class Battleships
8 Epsilon class Cruisers
The details are vague, but this battle smashed TF Yankee.

3rd Battle of Joi
Date: 12th-20th March 2302
Native: German Empire and Japanese Commonwealth
Intruder: Kafer
Native Order of Battle:
DSKM Graf Zeppelin (Fighter Carrier, with mixed Anglo-German fighter group)
DSKM Bayern (Bayern class Battleship)
DSKM Berlin (Hamburg class Missile Cruiser)
DSKM Admiral Scheer (Hamburg class Missile Cruiser)
DSKM Leipizg (Seydlitz class Missile Destroyer)
DSKM Westfalen (Sachsen class Missile Frigate)
DSKM Mecklenburg (Sachsen class Missile Frigate)
DSKM Holstein (Sachsen class Missile Frigate)
JSDF Agano (Suffren class Cruiser)
JSDF Terutsuki (Destroyer)
JSDF Sendai (Aconit class Frigate)
JSDF Inadzuma (Aconit class Frigate)
JSDF Natsutsuki (Aconit class Frigate)
ES Liberte (Tunghu class Missile Frigate)
ES Peuple Sovereign (Tunghu class Missile Frigate)
HMS Revenge (Revenge class Cruiser)
HMS Indefatigable (Invincible class Missile Destroyer)
HMS Renown (Resolution class Missile Destroyer)
HMS Camperdown (Resolution class Missile Destroyer)
HMS Andomeda (Leander class Missile Frigate)
HMS Medea (Leander class Missile Frigate)
HMS Orion (Leander class Missile Frigate)
HMS Charybdis (Leander class Missile Frigate)
HMS Achates (Leander class Missile Frigate)
HMS Ulysses (Leander class Missile Frigate)
IFS Richeleiu (Richeleiu class Battleship)
IFS DeGaulle (DeGaulle class Battleship)
IFS Gloire (Improved Suffren class Cruiser)
IFS Tourville (Suffren class Cruiser)
IFS Colbert (Suffren class Cruiser)
IFS Foudroyant (Ypres class Cruiser)
IFS Marechel Suchet (Marechel class Destroyer)
IFS Marechel Ney (Marechel class Destroyer)
IFS Marechel Foch (Marechel class Destroyer)
IFS Austerlitz (Aconit class Frigate)
IFS Imperieuse (Aconit class Frigate)
IFS Tonnant (Aconit class Frigate)
IFS Castiglione (Aconit class Frigate)
HMAS Brisbane (Aconit class Frigate)
USS Ronald Reagan (Kennedy class Missile Cruiser)
Intruder Order of Battle:
Kafer Task Force X-Ray
2 Delta class Battleships
4 Improved Alpha class Battleships
3 Alpha class Battleships
12 Beta class Battleships
20 Epsilon class Cruisers
The Terran forces allow the Kafers to invest Joi, bombarding and invading the German and Japanese colonies. This was on Rochemonts express orders, and shows his limitations as a fleet commander. From 12-19th there are a series of running actions involving a few ships at a time, on the 20th, Rochemonts second wing arrives from Sans Souci and a major fleet action is fought near Joi. The Kafers lost a Delta, Improved Alpha, Beta and 3 Epsilons at 3rd Joi, and withdrew at BCV.

Battle of Beowulf
Date: 12th July 2302
Native: British Commonwealth, French Empire, German Empire, Soviet Union and United States of America
Intruder: Kafer
Native Order of Battle:
HMS Ark Royal (Fighter Carrier)
HMS Victory (Victory class Battleship)
HMS Britannia (Victory class Battleship)
HMS Prince of Wales (Prince of Wales class Battlecruiser)
HMS King Christian (King Christian class Missile Cruiser)
HMS Queen Margaret (King Christian class Missile Cruiser)
HMS Hood (Hood class Missile Cruiser)
HMS Nelson (Nelson class Missile Cruiser)
HMS Montrose (Nelson class Missile Cruiser)
HMS Ramage (Nelson class Missile Cruiser)
HMS Rodney (Nelson class Missile Cruiser)
HMS Invincible (Invincible class Missile Destroyer)
HMS Illustrious (Invincible class Missile Destroyer)
HMS Resolution (Resolution class Missile Destroyer)
HMS Conquerer (Resolution class Missile Destroyer)
HMS Churchill (Resolution class Missile Destroyer)
HMS Dreadnought (Resolution class Missile Destroyer)
HMS Calliope (Leander class Missile Frigate)
HMS Ariadne (Leander class Missile Frigate)
HMS Dido (Leander class Missile Frigate)
HMS Neptune (Leander class Missile Frigate)
HMS Cassiopea (Leander class Missile Frigate)
HMS Ariadne (Leander class Missile Frigate)
HMS Athena (Leander class Missile Frigate)
HMS Penelope (Leander class Missile Frigate)
HMS Achilles (Leander class Missile Frigate)
HMS Ajax (Leander class Missile Frigate)
IFS Joffre (Fighter Carrier)
IFS Charlemagne (DeGaulle class Battleship)
IFS Jean Bart(Suffren class Cruiser)
IFS Georges Leygues (Suffren class Cruiser)
IFS Marechel Bouvier (Marechel class Destroyer)
IFS Marechel Marsin (Marechel class Destroyer)
IFS Patrie (Patrie class Missile Destroyer)
IFS Republique (Patrie class Missile Destroyer)
IFS France (Patrie class Missile Destroyer)
IFS Marianne (Patrie class Missile Destroyer)
IFS Fantasque (Aconit class Frigate)
IFS Triomphant (Aconit class Frigate)
IFS Temeraire (Aconit class Frigate)
IFS Malin (Aconit class Frigate)
IFS Cassard (Aconit class Frigate)
IFS Surcouf (Aconit class Frigate)
IFS Lobellia (Aconit class Frigate)
IFS Gerfaut (Aconit class Frigate)
VK Moskva (Konstantin class Cruiser)
VK Orel (Kiev class Destroyer)
VK Borodino (Kiev class Destroyer)
VK Zhdanov (Aconit class Frigate)
VK Dzerzhynskiy (Aconit class Frigate)
VK Suvorov (Aconit class Frigate)
DSKM Munchen (Hamburg class Missile Cruiser)
DSKM Augsburg (Hamburg class Missile Cruiser)
DSKM Blucher (Seydlitz class Missile Destroyer)
DSKM Derfflinger (Seydlitz class Missile Destroyer)
DSKM Braunschweig (Sachsen class Missile Frigate)
DSKM Hessen (Sachsen class Missile Frigate)
USS Columbia (Columbia class Battleship)
USS John F. Kennedy (Kennedy class Missile Cruiser)
USS George Washington (Kennedy class Missile Cruiser)
USS Midway (Midway class Missile Destroyer)
USS Lexington (Midway class Missile Destroyer)
USS Saratoga (Midway class Missile Destroyer)
USS Hanford (Midway class Missile Destroyer)
USS Eagle (Eagle class Missile Frigate)
USS Odyssey (Eagle class Missile Frigate)
USS Endeavour (Eagle class Missile Frigate)
USS Atlantis (Eagle class Missile Frigate)
Intruder Order of Battle:
Kafer Task Force Yankee
2 Delta class Battleships
2 Improved Alpha class Battleships
5 Alpha class Battleships
5 Beta class Battleships
10 Epsilon class Cruisers

3rd Battle of Hochbaden (1st Aurore Relief Expedition)
Date: 16th September 2301
Native: Kafer
Intruder: British Commonwealth, French Empire and German Empire
Native Order of Battle:
Kafer Task Force X-Ray
1 Delta class Battleships
1 Improved Alpha class Battleship
3 Beta class Battleships
6 Epsilon class Cruisers
Intruder Order of Battle:
IFS Richeleiu (Richeleiu class Battleship)
IFS Marechel Suchet (Marechel class Destroyer)
IFS Marechel Ney (Marechel class Destroyer)
IFS Marechel Foch (Marechel class Destroyer)
IFS Austerlitz (Aconit class Frigate)
IFS Imperieuse (Aconit class Frigate)
IFS Tonnant (Aconit class Frigate)
IFS Castiglione (Aconit class Frigate)
HMS Renown (Resolution class Missile Destroyer)
HMS Andomeda (Leander class Missile Frigate)
HMS Medea (Leander class Missile Frigate)
DSKM Brandenburg (Sachsen class Missile Frigate)
DSKM Leipzig (Sachsen class Missile Frigate)
Detected discharging at Sturmwelt, the Terrans were forced to withdraw, the only contacts were between Terran screening fighters and Kafer heavy ships, delaying the Kafers and allowing the Terrans to escape.

4tf Battle of Hochbaden (2nd Aurore Relief Expedition)
Date: 6th November 2301
Native: Kafer
Intruder: British Commonwealth, French Empire and German Empire
Native Order of Battle:
Kafer Task Force X-Ray
1 Delta class Battleships
1 Improved Alpha class Battleship
3 Beta class Battleships
6 Epsilon class Cruisers
Intruder Order of Battle:
IFS Richeleiu (Richeleiu class Battleship)
IFS Marechel Suchet (Marechel class Destroyer)
IFS Marechel Ney (Marechel class Destroyer)
IFS Marechel Foch (Marechel class Destroyer)
IFS Austerlitz (Aconit class Frigate)
IFS Imperieuse (Aconit class Frigate)
IFS Tonnant (Aconit class Frigate)
IFS Castiglione (Aconit class Frigate)
HMS Renown (Resolution class Missile Destroyer)
HMS Andomeda (Leander class Missile Frigate)
HMS Medea (Leander class Missile Frigate)
DSKM Brandenburg (Sachsen class Missile Frigate)
DSKM Leipzig (Sachsen class Missile Frigate)
The 2nd Aurore Relief Expedition also failed when caught discharging at Sturmwelt and was forced to withdraw. The blockade was finally broken by the Kafers, who drew on the garrison for their attack at the Battles of Aurore.

Germany and the War of German "Reunification"

One badly defined area in 2300AD is the pre-2291 status of Germany. This will be the topic of this post.

2300AD says Germany settled down divided into five states: Bavaria, Brandenburg, Hanover, Saxony and Westphalia. It never says these states are equal, and never defines their relationship. It is fairly easy to show that "Bavaria"  in fact compromises more than half the German population. Using the metric of places named to be in "Bavaria", I've circled "Bavaria" in red below. The military units ni question are where things ended up in Twilight:2000.

"Bavaria" thus is a huge state compared to the others, which would likely be:

Brandenburg is approximately the modern province.
Saxony is approximately the modern province.
Westphalia is approximately Westphalia, i.e. the bit of North Rhine-Westphalia not in "Bavaria".
Hanover is Lower Saxony and Saxony-Anhalt, except the bits occupied by 3rd German Corps towards the end of the Twilight War, which includes all the ports.

Holstein is likely "Bavarian", whereas Schleswig was regained by the Danes. The real question is what of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern? One would guess, given the apparent strength of Hanover compared to other states, that this province is ruled by Hanover.

"Non-Bavarian" Germany is essentially the parts of Germany that were not under the control of the German Government (in Nurnburg) after the Twilight War. These may have developed their own governments separate from the FRG in the period after the Twilight War, but why weren't they simply reabsorbed? 2300AD says France encouraged the development of these states, and hence had a hand in things.

So what was Germany like before 2291?

Firstly, it was not that divided. In "The Game" that created 2300AD Germany was a single country under the control of Loren Wiseman. In Twilight:2000 the capital of the Federal Republic of Germany was relocated to Nurnburg in Bavaria. Hence "Bavaria" is the direct descendent of "Germany", whatever 2300AD boxed set says.

"Hanover" after the Twilight War was a British fiefdom on the continent, which explains a lot. "Brandenburg" would seem to be a fiefdom created by the US 11th Corps which mostly didn't get evacuated and hence stayed in that area as strongmen. In both these cases you have an odd situation creating an English speaking elite ruling the area. No wonder they're less receptive to overtures from Nurnburg.

"Westphalia" is Arminius' little state. This unpleasant little warlord may have gotten squashed later. He is essentially US CivGovs contender for "lets rule Germany".

"Saxony" would appear to be the fiefdom of Helmut Joachim Korell. The odd thing for a separatist, the "Bavarian" starship at the 1st Battle of Alpha Centauri is the Helmut J. Korell. Korell thus appears to be a big deal.

Thus we have our setup. "Bavaria" is the legal government of Germany. "Saxony" is a sort of rebel part, and "Hanover", "Westphalia" and "Brandenburg" are backed by the British, US CivGov and US MilGov respectively.

How this plays out seems to create a much more Federal Germany than existed before. Ultimately the Nurnburg government gains Suzerainity over all of Germany again. Given Korells status as a national hero of "Bavaria", one would surmise that he was instrumental in this, and went over to the Nurnburg government. In the process he probably gained a governorship of somewhere for himself.

This of course is similar to the situation that existed between 1867 and 1871, but with a slight reverse. Prussia conquered all of northern Germany, and had militarily defeated and humiliated the southern nations, making them vassels. After 1871 the Prussian King elevated himself to Emperor of the Germans, and made them under a devolved but direct rule.

The War of German Reunification

The WoGR is stated to be a war between the northern German states and an alliance of "Bavaria" and France with the aim to annex "Bavaria" into a new German empire.

The problem was not all authors followed this line. Several attempted to change the situation to Bavaria wanting to join the new Empire, but France acting to prevent it. The main aim here seems to be to paint the French as dicks. However, that is not what happened.

The four northern German states unified under Hanover in 2291, creating a new nation they called "Germany". The rest of Germany, the FRG or "Bavaria" did not join this alignment. The north Germans then invaded in 2292 in an effort to annex it. The French honoured their treaty obligations and declared war on the north Germans, in defence of their ally, the Federal Republic of Germany. However the southern German states fell and in 2293 the Germans invaded the French province of Belgium and were stopped on the Somme. Sound familiar?

The French negotiated their way out of this, being wracked with internal problems. The Germans for their part were very reasonable, not asking for the Rhineland etc., but this is probably a reflection of the actual weakness of their position, trapped in a war they will ultimately lose.

The German colonies are mostly unaffected by the war, and most are annexed into the new Germany after the war. The only pro-Hanover colonies were Halbinsel (Hanoverian colony, probably settled using British ships, remembering Joi was originally promised to be a British world along with Crater) and Hochbaden (this may actually have been the writer, Gary Thomas, trying to paint the French as dicks. He spends a lot of the writeup pushing that argument.). Those colonies that could get out of this aggressive new Germany (look at the governance of Halbinsel) got out, and maintained their alliance with France, in fact becoming de facto parts of the French Empire.

The Kafer War

The Kafer War has killed the German Empire. A massive loss of ships is only made worse by the massive loss of credibility amongst the colonies. The new Germany failed the colonials, and they haven't missed this. One expects the German Empire to collapse in the early 2300's.

Saturday, 18 January 2014

French Warships, Fleets and Wars

The following is an attempt to track French naval developments.

Ships and weapons by era:

Legacy ships and weapons
Major combatants: Konstantin and Kiev
Ordnance: Silka

Major combatants: Ypres

Major combatants: Suffren
System Defence Ships: Orage
Ordnance: Ritage-1

Major combatants: Richelieu
Minor combatants: Aconit
Fighters: Mistral, Riche, Bufer, Bonaparte, (Martel?)
Ordnance: DA-2290

Ordnance: Ritage-2

Major Combatants

On a general note, all major combatants detailed canonically have science sections and landing capability. They are very much "Enterprises", whereas most other nations major combatants seem to be much more like dedicated ship killers.


The first battleship, Richelieu, was completed in 2293. It was also the first battleship anywhere (meaning the British and German BBs are also newly built). The names of four are supplied in canon (Richelieu, Tallyrand, Sainte Jeanne d'Arc and Napoleon) and at least one other, probably two and possibly 3-4 unnamed ships are in service. This means since 2293 the French have completed at least 5, and maybe as many as 7-8.

Since the first round were built in threes, it is perhaps indicative of the number of docks for such large vessels available. In this case the median figure of six completed before 2301 would be reasonable (meaning one additional BB outside of those listed in Invasion, probably flag of the Tirane squadron). This would imply another three have been laid down.

Richelieu: LD 2285, in service 2293 - subject of considerable delays and suspensions in building
Tallyrand: LD 2287, in service 2294? - again subject of considerable delays
Ste. Jeanne d'Arc: LD 2287, in service 2295?
"DeGaulle": in service 2299?
"Charlemagne": in service 2300?
Napoleon: in service 2301?

The armour value of 0 is a mistake, and seems to be a typo for 10.

It is worth noting that the Germans (and British) have built an intermediate type called a battlecruiser, and the American "battleship" Columbia and her two sisters (Intrepid and Hornet) are also in this category.

SotFA notes that doctrinally these vessels are meant to operate alone, and have the full range of capabilities to do so, or act as flagships of task forces (TF). It also notes the French suffered heavy losses in the Central Asian War. Given the apparent lack of a creditable Manchu battlefleet one wonders if this was against the Manchurian ground based defences.

Below we note the size of the landers, requiring a huge landing bay (at three volumes, 37,800 m3 for the landers alone - big enough, dimensions and bay doors permitting, to carry a Kennedy internally). If the ships carried fighters instead, then deckloads (at six volumes) would be in excess of 30 fighters. Hence the BB is also a major fighter carrier. The adventure hook here is that the French probably have a very large excess capacity for carrying fighters into action over their actual numbers of fighters. This leads to America and other nations basing fighter squadrons off the French ships.

Also, what about the fighter carrier?  This may actually be an older type predating the modern Battleship. There are 61 fighters split between 2 BB and 1 CV at Earth.



The Suffren is a 2270's design. It seems likely that improved Suffren's have been built and more modern systems installed during various refits. One should note the Suffren is probably more heavily gunned than you think, as 24 MW of unused power. Hence she probably has 30 turrets, but they didn't want to give her a second sheet.

As an aside, the landers are described as 35 x 15 x 4 m, which is bloody huge. The picture makes them blocky so they probably have an internal volume close to 2,000 m3. Platoon lander? That's a bloody great company lander, at least 50% larger than an LC-20, and with the same great inability to operate without a dirtside base (the landers lack wings for example). However, it can deliver an armoured company group to the surface. If one wished to grapple fighters there instead of the landers there is room to carry at least a six ship squadron.

While highly capable already, with upgrades she could be even more formidable. The baseline Suffren is a match for the BC Bismarck, suffering only from her lack of fighters (addressed above) and smaller complement of remote weapons. At the same time, she'd dominate a Bismarck at long range (more communicators, better sensors, and Bismarck's fighters will die horribly if they attack Suffren), and at short range her greater firepower would be telling (although the Bismarck is slightly better protected). With 2290's era screens, weapons, and perhaps an array of submunitions launchers, coupled with a fighter squadron, would make her unmatched. If built from 2280's materials (advanced composites) at the same protection level nearly 7,000 tons of mass could be saved and, combined with 2280's era improved engines, speeds would increase to well over warp 4.


Probably a representative of an older French cruiser, pre 2250's (when France developed workable fusion reactors).

Desarge Liners

On another note, in the shape of the Desarge class of liner, France has 26 reserve cruisers.

Destroyers and the Ypres

There are no French Destroyers listed. The Kiev might be an older French DD.

However, a Ypres type ship is rated as a DD by the Australians. I contend that French DD's are of this type. In fact I contend that the Destroyers are dedicated ship killers and the name derived not from the old "torpedo boat destroyer", but rather something like "croiser destructeur".

A French "Maréchal" probably looks something like a Kennedy with armour and a heavier weapons load. Essentially a "half-Suffren" without the troops, but with 24 Ritage-2 and a larger array of communicators.

One notes that the Castiglione and Austerlitz frigates in Invasion have "battle" names like the Ypres (and there is a conflict on the name of the one remaining Ypres, which according to Lone Wolf is the "Ypres", the Ypres "Foudroyant" is in Invasion). The Castiglione forms a division with the Maréchal Suchet, indicating she indeed is a Ypres or similar.

Patrol Ships, Aconit et al.

The Aconit and Orage are reason for puzzlement. One should note they are longer ranged than you think. The Aconit carries 14 MW-weeks fuel, and is unlikely to need to fire her guns continuous for this time. Hence she can cruiser at 2 MW for 7 weeks, and longer if she goes slower. Moreover, if you give her a solar power array her insystem time is effectively unlimited by fuel. Something similar goes for the Orage (simply not powering her guns gives her 15 weeks endurance!).

One should note that "MHD and sail" is probably the standard power arrangement for smaller craft, and older ones.

These should really be thought more of "coast guard" ships rather than combatants, freeing up the real warships and allowing them maintenance and training time instead of chasing merchants. The Aconit does not need fleet speed to achieve this, only more speed than a typical freighter.

There are four French Aconits named in SC, Aconit and Vaquelin didn't survive 1st Tithonus, Duperre and Kersaint did. The SC counter mix gives two German Aconits (Kassel and Hessen), two Ukrainian (Kirovograd and Azov) and three Russian. Popular ship, with only the Martel (16 counters, two eight fighter squadrons) being more common.

(Others named are Pluton (Contagion, Challenge 46), and possibly Faucon (Lone Wolf, Challenge 33)

One needs to wonder why four Aconits were in the front line at Aurore. The Aconit is obviously inspired by the Floréal class and A69 type Aviso, and her primary mission isn't high intensity combat, it's chasing suspected smugglers and escorting merchants. Indeed, in wartime France supplements these patrol flotillas with armed merchantmen. Arguably these may have been there to there to conduct patrols, but why send more to the front Ukraine?

One of the major advantages of the Aconit, not often considered, is the darned thing can be built on a planetary surface and launched to orbit....


One wonders why at least five different fighter classes, all of which came into service nearly simultaneously?

The Martel is obviously the principle anti-ship fighter. The French have scores of these.

The Mistal appears to be a surface based fighter with a role of lofting a single nuclear missile up the gravity well, no mention of numbers.

The Riche and Bufer are essentially "missile bombers", the former being bought "in quantity" whereas there are few of the latter. Again the primary mission is lofting missiles (or other launched weapons) out of the gravity well.

The Bonaparte is essentially the planet based equivalent of the Martel.

Invasion presents the problem of not mentioning fighters based on planetary surfaces. Only non-streamlined fighters (Gustavs and Martels) are mentioned. Given the German deployment of 20 Udets at BCV-4, and approximately 50 Wespes deployed along the arm (probably 4 groups of 12) we can conclude large numbers of planet based fighters exist.

The point of said fighters? Probably as a method of launching stutterwarp missiles from a planets surface against an intruding blockader.


One "brain bug" that developed in SotFA was that in the 2270's the French abandoned missiles, which is not what the original source (Ritage-1 writeup in boxed set) said. Indeed, this was projected back to the 2250's Ypres (!).

The French switched to the Ritage in the 2270's, and before that they used a det-missile. This is likely to be the Silke (i.e. Silka). The Ritage-2 is essentially a bigger, more modern Silke that has replaced the Ritage, to the point that in 2297 the French were dumping stocks of these weapons. However, the Ritage-2 doesn't fit the missile ports for the standard 1 m missile.

As an aside, det-missiles have to be fission devices, because fusion reactions don't produce X-Rays, they mainly produce neutrons. Also, because we want to collimate the X-Rays down thin lead based wave guides the nuclear "physics package" must be behind the collimator. Most SF imagines the collimator waveguides surrounding the physics package. This is unlikely. The nuclear X-Ray "laser" (which, BTW is not a laser, it is not monochromatic amongst other things) is more like a nuclear shaped charge. The fact these weapons created multiple hits is an artifact of the damage system, which is why you roll once for a missile hit/miss decision, not for individual strikes. The idea is a single "hit" that burns so deeply into a ship it effects multiple compartments.

Whether this is realistic is another matter. However, some very recent advances in diffracting high frequency waves indicates some very hard X-Rays, or even gamma rays (which probably aren't good weapons) can be focused. This is good for turrets, as hard X-Rays are needed to make the range work without handwavium. Pushing things to the theoretical limit, using near gamma rays and the beam holds together quite well, a 1 cm spot at just over 1x 600,000 km hex (1.366 to be exact). This is not likely possible but it means a shooting and damage model similar to the standard turret is reasonable, upsetting my previous thinking on the matter.

Back to the French. The "no missiles" Ypres is easy to deal with, 3 communicators and 15 Silke installed, like a Kiev. Done. Probably these were replaced with Ritage missiles in the 2270's.

The French, of course, retained some det-missile capacity, designing the DA-2290 in the late 2280's based on CAW experience that these devices were useful. This of course implies they used such devices during the CAW, possibly improvised types. The most obvious improvisation would be to fix a submunitions disperser or two  to a drone.

The Ritage-1 itself has room to replace the fixed weapon with a 7x2 det-warhead. The FRG appears to have sawn the front off a Ritage-1 and replaced it with a det-warhead to make the SR-10 (the SR-9 appears to be a similar job on a Manchurian Glowworm, one guesses the allies captured a lot of these weapons), so conversion seems reasonable.

Ritage-2 can't replace Ritage-1 in the fleet because the darned tubes are bigger. Hence a simple expedient is sawing the front off the R-1 and putting a R-2 warhead on.

So around 2300AD stock are probably:

Silke (legacy missile, mostly sold on)
Ritage-1, with fixed weapon
Ritage-1, with say a 5x2 det-warhead
Ritage-1, with the front fully replaced, no sensors but 10x2 det-warhead
DA-2290, mostly in service with ground based fighters
Ritage-2, mostly confined to newer ships, and larger ones that can take conversions or packs.

The French Fleet compared with the American, German, British etc.

The French Fleet thus consists of a high-low mix, with Aconits, Orages and perhaps other old patrol vessels, which don't form part of the real fighting arm of the French fleet, provided by BBs, Suffrens and ship killing destroyers.

It is useful to compare this to the most detailed fleet in canon - the American one.

They have a very large patrol arm, lots of MHD powered patrol vessels, and canon is replete with various ASF patrol cutters, close escorts etc. The ASF ship killing arm is almost entirely in the hands of their Kennedys, of which there are about 9, and the new Columbia BCs, of which one is available in 2301. Thus in 2301 the US fields about 10 principle combatants to Frances (when Desarges are armed) ca. 75 (ca. 50 without).

Their allies, Australia, have a mere handful of ships, a Ypres type, Kiev type and Aconit type, and like the Japanese, no ships at home.

It is also useful to compare with her principle rival in Europe, Germany.

In 2301, they have a BB, 2 BC, 7 cruisers (say 3 Hamburgs and 4 Konstantins), 7 DDs (we don't know what type) and 17 FF (a mix of Sachsens and Aconits), a much greater threat than the ASF.

The British have a large fleet (second only to France of those we have definite information), but not a huge amount is known about it (4 or 5 heavy capital ships, 7-9 heavy cruisers, 12+ destroyers and 26+ frigates).

The Japanese have a pretty small fleet (in fact merely a task group in French terms, and it seems to be integrated into the French system), and French allied Ukrainians and Russians have 3 old French cruisers, had 3 old French DDs, and 12 Aconit and Tula frigates.

The big unknown is the Manchurian fleet. A lot depends on how the Central Asian War was fought, so lets think about that.

Domination of Earth Space

For all our thoughts about defending the colonies etc., real war has a major focus - control of Earth orbit. If we take two hypothetical fleets both at or near Earth at the beginning of hostilities, the options are essentially for one to flee (and abandon Earth) or to fight a major battle in near Earth space. Think of it this way, all the bases and shipyards are within weapons range of each other, analogous to the Grand Fleet and High Seas Fleet being dumped on a lake with their ports under each others guns. No messing around, it's a winner takes all battle royale.

Such a battle seems never to have occurred (it would have dwarfed Beowulf). In the wars between the Argentines and Brazilians, France may simply have said no fighting, and enforced a neutral zone (although in practice this will turn into a blockade by one side). However, when France fights Manchuria and Imperial Germany this is off the table.

The German war is easy to explain. The French blockaded Earth and only two colonies (Hochbaden and Halbinsel) supported Imperial Germany. There is very limited space war. At the far end of the French arm it is mainly focused on the intimidation of Dunkelheim, which was invaded and occupied by Hochbaden, and the French attempts to lift the occupation of Dunkelheim, and the blockade of Aurore with local forces. Nearer to Earth Imperial Germany sent its fleet (2 Sachsens) away to Grosshiddenfaden (DM+ 35 2436) and launched the odd raid. More on Grosshiddenfaden below.

Where the two Hamburgs and a Sachsen that attacked Alpha Centauri came from is anyones guess, but the only one I have that makes sense is they were prepositioned on the Chinese Arm. In fact, it would indicate the Hanover/ Imperial Germany prepositioned all their fleet to raid before the attack on Bavaria/ Federal Germany, remembering that the Federal German fleet remained loyal to the FRG and hence France. Their dilemma after the war is similar to that of the French Navy under Vichy.

The war near Earth is one of a nation holding a major fleet overhead, fighting with the ground based weapons, which will be the story of the CAW. The Manchus, if they had a fleet it either hung around at Earth and got swallowed or buggered off way up the Chinese Arm. If so it got pretty dispersed, as by 2287 the French are sending lone Suffrens to swallow up Manchu bases, and the Manchus can do nothing about it.

One of the odd things about the SC scenarios is that many simply can't go the "historical" way. DeGrasse will slag the arms shipment to Joi in no time flat for example, and there is no way Xiuning Station was relieved.

The "heavy losses" the French took were probably fighting Manchurias ground based weapons, or may have been a major fleet engagement at Earth. However, the latter doesn't explain why the French (and Germans) didn't ortillery strike their way to Beijing. Strong ground defences with particle beam weapons (which cut through atmosphere really well) explains why this didn't happen. Note the defences of Hochbaden destroyed several Kafer battleships and took days for the Kafers to take down. I'm stop there.


Is a really, really stupid idea. For a start it's not far off the beaten track, and its strategic position is so obvious no one wouldn't have considered using it. Its obvious utility in trading alone, bypassing BCB and Dunkelheim and creating a shorter BCV-4 to Hochbaden (and Aurore), would justify ESA placing an outpost there.

What's more, the backstory makes no sense. For Manchurian raiders to get there they have to run the gauntlet of the Earth-QAS corridor, then probably via the fortress that is BCV-4. Like trying to reach a secret base in the Black Sea from the Atlantic via an enemy held straits of Gibraltar and the Bosphorous.


The French are more of a hegemon than many suggest. Remember, about a fifth of humanity are French citizens (and damn the extra zeros on the end of Manchurias and Central Asias populations, don't people ever read demographic breakdowns?). However, there was a very large movement in the fanbase trying to cast France as the bad guy, even to the point of rewriting which side Bavaria was on during the WoGR (BTW it was Frances, they were invaded by Imperial Germany and annexed). When the navies are closely examined you find the French may in fact be capable of taking on the erst of the world combined.